I'm Helpful Helena
I love helping people because it's good for both them and me! It's led to meeting cool people and making new friends. Let's do something nice for someone every day.
Helping others is great because
Helping others is great because
It feels awesome knowing you've done something cool for someone
Other people can have a better day too
It can make your brain release feel-good endorphins, reducing stress and boosting your mood
It helps you connect with other amazing people and understand what it is like to be in their shoes
You can inspire others to do good as well - imagine if everyone did kind things!
Check out these ideas!
Check out these ideas!
Help your family be active by organising one of these exercise ideas
Ask someone about their day and check if you can offer any assistance
Help with shopping and suggest healthy food swaps
Do chores at home
Volunteer for a charity
Stuck on how to help? Try our random kindness generator!
Stuck on how to help? Try our random kindness generator!
Helpful links
Helpful links
Check out these 14 ideas to instil kindness in children
Check out these ideas on how children can help out with chores